The Theft – What Motivates A Company Like Monsanto?

In case you are wondering what drives a corporation like Monsanto, listen to The Theft  by Atreyu as presented by MTV

The Faustian bargain offered us by Monsanto is that we sell our souls for the good of humanity.  It is an illusion almost too good to not be believed.  That is why Monsanto has been able to create horrors almost too unbearable to think about. What will be its next horror?

But on with the show.  Here are the lyrics above the video:


The Theft ——Atreyu

He bends and he breaks

If you give they will take away

His passion, his pain, his grace

He exhales,

A thousand black flowers explode

into butterflies as they’re away

Rip them out, take them,

Burn the coals as they crush and

Leave nothing

that resembles the soul of a man

See him numb, see him crushed

See him numb, See him crushed

Rip them out, take them

Burn coals as they crush and

Leave nothing

that resembles the soul of a man

Leave him numb, leave him crushed

Leave him numb, leave him crushed

Took the fire inside

One too many times

He’s burning over and out now,

He fails

Up against the raging tides,

No more fights

Everything you ever wanted to see,

See it in his eyes

One more time, one more time

Climb down to test the waters,

My hands feel like they’re rusting away yea, away yea.

So I’ll pace around like a lamb before the slaughter

I’ll stay here as long as you let me,

Decisions been made obvious so I will return

Where I started I’ll stay there


I’ll wither away

Rip them out, take them,

Burn the coals as they crush and

Leave nothing

that resembles the soul of a man

See him numb, See him crushed

See him numb, See him crushed

Rip them out, take them

Burn the coals as they crush and

Leave nothing

That resembles a soul of a man

Leave him numb, Leave him crushed

Leave him numb, Leave him crushed

The Theft, posted with vodpod see it on MTV post here

How is this about Monsanto? Look here:

Monsanto’s Phosphorus Theft

Excerpt: Peak Phosphorus barely registers alongside it’s more gregarious, attention-getting bigger brother, Peak Oil. Yet, the implications are even more dramatic. While both peaks are associated with massive food shortages, unmitigated Peak Phosphorus would easily win the award for best disaster.


Monsanto Company Theft

Excerpt:  Competition is Theft So just as Paley’s cartoon characters suggest, any action you undertake with your own property that undermines a potential revenue stream going to anyone else is “theft.” If you grow your own tomatoes, look out for the men from Monsanto …

Theft of Life: A story of the struggle against Monsanto and the corporate takeover of our genetic inheritance

Excerpt: But the real issue that concerned us was the possibility  that our pure seed, which we had developed after half a century of research would now be contaminated.  We stood up to Monsanto, arguing that if any genetically modified organisms (GMOs) were present in our pure seed, then Monsanto were liable for destroying the property of others.

One response to this post.

  1. Posted by zjas on October 4, 2010 at 8:36 pm

    Relays inescapable poignancy and
    moves the most silent among us.


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